Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sisters Specialized Training


We held this training at the Kamisugi church and it started with serving breakfast to all the Shimai.
Granola, fruit, yogurt & muffins.

Stubbs, Tada, Kimura and Hyodo Shimai.
Miura, Shuto and Fukuda Shimai
Watanabe, Kitade, Collins & Saito Shimai
Kimura & Hyodo Shimai
Takatsu and Miura Shimai
Shuto and Fukuda Shimai
Watanabe and Kitade Shimai
Collins and Saito Shimai
Inoue and Oman Shimai
Tanabe and Mukaitani Shimai
Yoshikawa and Bohnet Shimai
Chikamori, Kubota and Tukatsuka Shimai
Our terrific Assistants did much of the training.
Kubota Shimai leading the music!
Inoue Shimai teaching a Japanese lesson.
Special musical number with Tada, Kimura and Hyodo Shimai.
After some great training on FINDING, the companionships all went outside to the streets and practiced what they had learned.  One lady was brought back to the church and taught a lesson. 
There is always a mogi lesson to practice before facing the real thing.

Sis Furukawa prepared feminine obento lunches for us. 
I made an apple crisp as a dessert.
They loved the butterfly straws.

Inoue and Oman Shimai
President Rasmussen teaching them about the Baptismal covenant.

Group pictures

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