We attended the Nagamachi Ward Christmas party a few days before Christmas. If our church membership were in Japan, we would be members of this ward. The Primary's part of the program was a nativity. The children were all dressed up in their appropriate costumes for their part and were so adorable. This picture was taken at the "dress rehersal" before the program started. Sis Uchida (smiling at the camera) is the Primary President and is full of energy. She is also my Visiting Teacher because she speaks very good English. She is a wonderful lady and a good friend.
This little boy (maybe age 10) lead the opening and closing song for the whole congregation. He was really good at it and took his job seriously. So cute!
The angel appearing to Mary telling her she would be the mother of Jesus.
Just before the program started, they discovered that the boy who was to play the part of Joseph was sick so they recruited Elder Ohira to play the part. He is a good sport and our Assistant to the President.
Mary and Joseph in the stable. (I can only imagine Elder Ohira was a bit uncomfortable inside that box with a little Primary girl and not his companion)
Little lambs (nursery kids) came to see the baby Jesus.
The Three Wisemen also came.
The Primary children performed a Christmas carol using bells. I was amazed how good they were. Gary and I talked about purchasing some bells for our Grandkids to play at our family Christmas programs. Doesn't that sound fun?
The Ward Choir sang a song. Their music was covered with Red and Green folders--nice attention to detail. Oh, that all ward choirs could have this many in it--look at all the men!!
On Christmas Eve, Gary and I walked around downtown Sendai. We knew that a member and his friend who has attended our FHE at the Mission Home work at this Cold Stone Creamery so we stopped in to say hello. These girls are so much fun. They sing silly songs for you while you wait in line and made our experience so enjoyable.
Later that evening, we stopped by the Church where we had parked our car and found 7 of our missionaries and a ward member singing carols in front of the church and handing out little gifts to anyone who would stop and take one. It was freezing cold and snowing lightly which made for a perfect Christmas Eve. We stayed and sang with them until they were finished. What a fun night!
One of the Elders dressed like Santa to attract attention. That probably wasn't the image or message we wanted to convey, but the missionaries were trying anyway!
We found that Elder Ohira has a good singing voice--as does his companion, Elder Lay.
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