Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mission Wide Youth Conference

The youth (12-18 years) gathered near Furukawa at a Youth Ranch where they spent 3 days together for a Youth Conference.  The first day, Gary and I were invited to do a Devotional for them.  We took the AP's and two of our best Shimai to help us.

Who wouldn't love these two sweet Shimai, Hyodo and Kimura. 
 The missionaries were great examples to the youth.
The AP's waiting their turn to speak to the youth.
About 50-60 youth attended with leaders.

Groups of kids worked on a project together and the
 missionaries rotated around helping different groups.

Sister Hyodo (1 week in the mission) gave a great talk.
Elder Dowdy helped translate my talk.

We gave each youth this package which contained a package of hi-chew candy that I changed to "I Choose..." along with  a list of the things we hope they will "choose" to do; ie: be involved in Seminary, go on a mission, marriage in the Temple, etc.  The kids loved them!

Gary is always entertaining and fun -- the youth love him.
After our devotional, we all went outside where the camp had a
flag ceremony with all the groups using this facility that week.
One of the group of "campers" were these young boys--I think from a school.  They looked awfully young to be away from home for several days.
A fun interactive game was played and, of course,
Gary got himself involved running around with the kids.

We had to take some pictures of just us missionarie  before we left for home.
  It had been a tough day!

Typical of Japan, this statue of a child reminding children to hold their 
arm up so cars can see them as they crosses the street

Sisters Specialized Training


We held this training at the Kamisugi church and it started with serving breakfast to all the Shimai.
Granola, fruit, yogurt & muffins.

Stubbs, Tada, Kimura and Hyodo Shimai.
Miura, Shuto and Fukuda Shimai
Watanabe, Kitade, Collins & Saito Shimai
Kimura & Hyodo Shimai
Takatsu and Miura Shimai
Shuto and Fukuda Shimai
Watanabe and Kitade Shimai
Collins and Saito Shimai
Inoue and Oman Shimai
Tanabe and Mukaitani Shimai
Yoshikawa and Bohnet Shimai
Chikamori, Kubota and Tukatsuka Shimai
Our terrific Assistants did much of the training.
Kubota Shimai leading the music!
Inoue Shimai teaching a Japanese lesson.
Special musical number with Tada, Kimura and Hyodo Shimai.
After some great training on FINDING, the companionships all went outside to the streets and practiced what they had learned.  One lady was brought back to the church and taught a lesson. 
There is always a mogi lesson to practice before facing the real thing.

Sis Furukawa prepared feminine obento lunches for us. 
I made an apple crisp as a dessert.
They loved the butterfly straws.

Inoue and Oman Shimai
President Rasmussen teaching them about the Baptismal covenant.

Group pictures