Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We almost missed it!!

We drove home from Yokote after church arriving about 4 PM expecting to be home for the rest of the evening. After dinner Gary got a phone call from a missionary in Morioka who was waiting at the church for Gary to arrive to set him apart. Gary had completely missed that appointment. Morioka is 2.5 hours north of Sendai but the missionary was leaving the next morning for the MTC so we jumped in the car and hurried to Morioka in 2 hours. We were blessed that the roads were clear and there was no snow in the roads. The family was gracious and seemed OK with doing the setting apart 3 hours later than planned. They are a wonderful family. Pres. Hoshino is the Morioka Branch President. Elder Hoshino will be a marvelous missionary.

Snow in January and the Yokote Branch

I couldn't miss taking pictures of what we see as we drive around the mission this winter. These pictures were taken on our way to church in Yokote which is about 2 hours north of Sendai. Sendai does not have snow that stays long but when we leave Sendai, we are crossing mountain passes and the snow is quite deep. It is beautiful to look at but not fun to drive on.

This is a street in the city of Yokote.
We took pictures after church with the Yokote Branch. It is quite small but a great little Branch. They have one very strong family with three girls. He is the Counselor in the Branch Presidency (center back row) and the girls have been taught the gospel very well. Another young mother was there with her two children. They don't have the concept of sitting reverently in Sacrament Meeting (they were running and jumping all over the room) but they were there and that is important. The Branch President was taking a phone call when we asked him to step into the picture. His wife is in the center.
Gary was able to be in this picture!!

Do you love our matching slippers? This is the only branch we have visited that required us to remove our shoes and put on indoor slippers.

Elder Tillemann-Dick goes home

Elder Tilleman-Dick has had physical health issues since he was in the MTC and especially since arriving in Japan. He and Pres. Rasmussen made the decission that he should go home and get his health issues addressed. We first met Elder TD when we were in the MTC. He and two other Elders were preparing to come to the Sendai Mission and they were the first group of missionaries we welcomed after we arrived in Japan.

Elders Ohira and Lay with Elder TD and me.
The AP's, Elder TD, and Gary.
Before putting him on the plane.

December FHE at the Mission Home

It is always a fun evening when members and missionaries and investigators come for FHE.

Gary talking to Pres. Sugawara and a member.
Sis Inoue introducing herself as a brand new missionary in the Nagamachi Ward.
Sister Jahana taught the lesson. She is a wonderful teacher.
Sister Thomas prepared a concentration game using pictures typical of the Japanese New Years celebrations. Sister Satoh is playing the game. She is the wife of the Bishop of the Kamisugi Ward.
Interested in the game.
Gary giving a message of love and welcome to the group. Everyone loves him!
The girls and I enjoying the treats--a plethora of goodies!!

December 2011 Transfers

Transfers and everything else in the mission goes so much better when the APs are sharp and we have some great ones. Elder Lay and Elder Ohira.
Elder Ohira
Elder Lay
Elder Ellsworth left us on Dec 20th.
Sister Dotson also left on Dec 20th.
Leaving them at the airport.
The next evening, we had 3 new missionaries arrive; two Sisters and one Elder.
Sister Inoue (on right) with her trainers, Sisters Yoshida and Asato.
Sister Kimura (on left) with her new trainer, Sis Tanaka.
Elder Stickney (on Right) with his trainer, Elder Shin'no.
Eating lunch with the new missionaries and their trainers before leaving for their new areas.

Sister Kimura
Sister Kimura and Sister Tanaka. (I love how missionaries fall in love at first sight with their new companions)
Sis Inoue
Sister Inoue with Sisters Yoshida and Asato.
Elder Stickney
Elder Stickney and Elder Shin'no
The whole group with the Assistants and Gary and me.
After the new missionaries leave the mission home, Gary and I head down to Bus Stop 40--the infamous stop where missionaries transfering to a new area pass through to pick up their new companions and go to their areas. It is fun to go there and watch them all loving to see and visit with each other. We were especially impressed with Elders Taylor and Mizuochi who are always finding new investigators and talking to everyone they meet on the street-even when they would like to be talking to the other missionaries.
Elder Price (green coat) with Gary as his companion because he is going home, saying goodby to Elders Lundell and Watanabe.
Sisters Chikamori, Kitade, Yoshizawa and Bohnet & Gary at Bus Stop 40.
Gary with Elder Lundell and Sister Tehei. (no they are not companions-just a random picture)
Because of an airline blackout week, we had to send home two American missionaries early in the week to get them home before Christmas. Two more went home on the normal transfer day at the end of the week who were staying in Japan. This picture is the Skiyaki Dinner the night before they leave the mission.
Elder Price
Elder Price's family came to pick him up and they took him to his Grandmother's home in Japan for Christmas.
Sweet Sister Yoshizawa

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Celebrations

We attended the Nagamachi Ward Christmas party a few days before Christmas. If our church membership were in Japan, we would be members of this ward. The Primary's part of the program was a nativity. The children were all dressed up in their appropriate costumes for their part and were so adorable. This picture was taken at the "dress rehersal" before the program started. Sis Uchida (smiling at the camera) is the Primary President and is full of energy. She is also my Visiting Teacher because she speaks very good English. She is a wonderful lady and a good friend.
This little boy (maybe age 10) lead the opening and closing song for the whole congregation. He was really good at it and took his job seriously. So cute!

The angel appearing to Mary telling her she would be the mother of Jesus.
Just before the program started, they discovered that the boy who was to play the part of Joseph was sick so they recruited Elder Ohira to play the part. He is a good sport and our Assistant to the President.

Mary and Joseph in the stable. (I can only imagine Elder Ohira was a bit uncomfortable inside that box with a little Primary girl and not his companion)

Little lambs (nursery kids) came to see the baby Jesus.
The Three Wisemen also came.
The Primary children performed a Christmas carol using bells. I was amazed how good they were. Gary and I talked about purchasing some bells for our Grandkids to play at our family Christmas programs. Doesn't that sound fun?
The Ward Choir sang a song. Their music was covered with Red and Green folders--nice attention to detail. Oh, that all ward choirs could have this many in it--look at all the men!!

On Christmas Eve, Gary and I walked around downtown Sendai. We knew that a member and his friend who has attended our FHE at the Mission Home work at this Cold Stone Creamery so we stopped in to say hello. These girls are so much fun. They sing silly songs for you while you wait in line and made our experience so enjoyable.
Later that evening, we stopped by the Church where we had parked our car and found 7 of our missionaries and a ward member singing carols in front of the church and handing out little gifts to anyone who would stop and take one. It was freezing cold and snowing lightly which made for a perfect Christmas Eve. We stayed and sang with them until they were finished. What a fun night!
One of the Elders dressed like Santa to attract attention. That probably wasn't the image or message we wanted to convey, but the missionaries were trying anyway!
We found that Elder Ohira has a good singing voice--as does his companion, Elder Lay.