Thursday, September 15, 2011


Elder Aoyagi of the 70 and in the Area Presidency speaking to our missionaries.
Sister Aoyagi was a perky, fun lady that everyone loved.
Aomori Zone Sept 2011
Special Musical Number All Creatures of our God and King sung by Sisters Asato & Maki, Elders Everett, Shaw, Mizoguchi and Yuasa.
Morioka Zone Sept 2011
The entire zone sang the special Musical Number I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go. Elders J. Taylor, Ohira, Watanabe, Robbins, Sisters Sumikawa & Sato, Elders Ikeda, Ishida, Tilleman-Dick. Elder Ovard played the piano.
Relief Society sisters cooked dinner for the Sendai Zone.
Sendai Zone Sept 2011

Roll playing "working with the Bishop". This particular picture shows how NOT to do it as you can see Elder Holbrook looking at the ceiling and not paying attention to the Bishop. He was hillarious to watch play this part.
Sister Aoyagi and I roll played meeting someone at their home. First we did it the wrong way and then the right way. The wrong way included kicking off shoes in the gankon a leaving them helter-skelter and sitting down with your coat and backpack on.
The Special Musical Number in Sendai was Lead Kindly Light sung by Sisters Tehei, Kumagai & Onda, and Elders Ellsworth, Ruefenacht and Oikawa.
Niigata Zone Sept 2011
The special musical number was A Child's Prayer sung by Elder K. Taylor, Sisters Yoshida and Yoshizawa, Elders Kendall, Gannon and Price. Elder Kurita lead them and Elder Preston was at the piano.
Elder and Sister Ouyagi made everyone wake up in the middle of the afternoon each day by doing actions to Put Your Shoulder To The Wheel while I sang it. That did the trick!

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