Saturday, September 10, 2011

FAMILY HOME EVENING at the Mission Home

The shoes in the Gankon are a good indication of how many attended. We counted about 50!

Missionaries in the Sendai area could come if they brought an investigator or a less active member.

The living room was full of missionaries, members who heard there was a FHE at the Mission Home and came, and investigators.

Gary taught the lesson on Families. Of course, he got everyone involved in the lesson. There was a nice spirit in the room as many told of family experiences that were meaningful to them.

We sang Families Can Be Together Forever.

Special musical number beautifully done by two of our darling Shimais, Sister Onda and Sister Semba and a member of the Kamisugi Ward.

Loving the special musical number.

Elder Jahana, who works in the office, was in charge of a group game that had everyone laughing and interacting .

The fellow in the blue T-shirt was found by the missionaries and is being taught the gospel. When they met him, he pulled out of his pocket a Pass Along Card that had been given to him by Gary one day while we were waiting to get our Foreigners Card at the city hall. Gary gives them out to absolutely everyone he meets. He had a great time at FHE and said he wanted to come again next month. We hope he will be a member attending our next FHE.

The game required imitating an elephant.

All ages attended from babies to YSA to young marrieds to older people. Everyone had a great time together.

We served lots of homemade brownies and Ice Cream

1 comment:

  1. Yay! A new post! Love it. What a fun idea. Looks like it was a hit!
