A Baptism was held on January 26 in Yamagata for Brother Hiromi Sato (smiling in center back) He is a college student and very sharp. What a wonderful addition to the Ward he will be. Missionaries serving in Yamagata are: FRONT Sisters George and King, Ward member, Sisters Alcazar and Sakuma. BACK: Sis and Pres Rasmussen, Elders Simonsen, Cox, Bro Sato, Elders Hatcher and Ito.

Brother Sato investigated the church because he was dating this darling gal who is a wonderful member of the church. As the relationship got closer, she told him that she would only be married in the Temple and asked him if he would like to be taught the gospel by the missionaries. He said yes. She has allowed him to make up his own mind and not influence him. He was impressed with the church and the members from the first time he entered a church building. He spoke at his own baptism and explained how he was raised thinking religion was "strange". He now knows how happy he is because of the Gospel. His attitude seems to be how most people feel about religion and why it is so hard to find people to teach. If they only knew what they were missing in their lives!!

Sister Konishi and Sister Alcazar were the missionaries that taught him
the gospel. Sister Konishi was transferred 2 days before his baptism.
President Rasmussen surprised both Sister Konishi and Bro Sato by allowing them to talk on his phone after the baptism.